Hi friend!

I had this idea that it would be cool to write an intro I can look back at 10 years from now and, like placing a winning bet, cash in on. What exactly cash in on would mean in this case I do not know, but I think it would look something like appreciating the person I was when I began writing Such Stuff and having some vague idea of how I got where I am now, whenever now happens to be. A year from now, two, three, ten.

The problem is I want to say things like if you’re reading this you’re pretty early here and I’m still figuring out what I’m doing and why I’m even writing Such Stuff. But now I’m wondering whether even a decade from now that idea won’t still hold? Maybe I will be forever in a state of figuring out and reinventing my reason for writing Such Stuff.

I guess this is an about page and I’ve gone way off track so at this point I should forget about the idea of cashing in on a memorialized version and just say something about myself or Such Stuff. What I keep running into is that anyone who reads this already knows me personally, in which case I don’t really need an about page

— ZK

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Scribbles on life and other such stuff


Be cheerful, sir. Our revels now are ended